Childbirth Preparation and Support Tool

Information for Health Care Providers

Information for Parents-to-be Preparing for their Baby

The Childbirth Preparation and Support Tool was created for health care providers to use with their patients who might require extra support during pregnancy and childbirth. Examples include individuals who are experiencing a combination of challenges with their mood, behaviour, interpersonal relationships, learning and employment. 

This tool aims to help providers learn more about individuals with complicated emotional and behavioural presentations that are often misdiagnosed and misunderstood. Our system tends to support these complex needs through a mental health and trauma lens. However, the more obvious presenting difficulties, which may be more clearly identified while exploring this tool, are often further complicated by hidden symptoms that can be supported by understanding the life-long effects that neurodevelopmental disabilities have on the brain. 


Ontario Senior Caregiver Action Network (OSCAN)


Snack and Chat: A Complicated and Beautiful Brain